QT has cancelled the upcoming The Movie Critic which was going to start shooting in the fall. Not much reason was given but apparently the project had morphed into Brad Pitt reappearing as Cliff Booth in a sequel or even prequel. Then it, pun intended, fell off the cliff. You can read more about it HERE.
I thought it was a pretty cool idea in it's basic conception since I remember growing up in Hollywood exactly the type of publication and ragtag critic that worked for them. I'm just assuming here but I think QT couldn't find a more thirties aged (which is what the critic was) leading man.
Nonetheless, um, QT-
I love ya, I'm one of your biggest fans. But let's back the train up a little, what happened to the four-hour cut of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood you announced by in '20? Next thing I hear you're a novelist...
Just giving honest opinions here - I always thought your take on the Wonderland Murders would be interesting. And what about doing your version of True Romance? That would be dope with the right cast and maybe one returning cameo from the original...I would also welcome another Western as Hateful Eight is brilliant and all you do with that genre is amazing.
I could also see a whacked out rom-com along the lines of Punch Drunk Love, something completely out of left field like that was.
As my mom used to say, five will get you ten - he comes back with the Star Trek thing.
Whatever it is, would you just rock on with your bad self already? TR
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