Man, I had high hopes for this one, nothing would have made me happier to report this was all the things the professional critics said and more. But you know this ole Taurus boy doesn't pull any punches and respectfully (since I'm a huge Allen fan) this romantic crime drama follows the pattern of missteps beginning with Rainy Day In New York and then the pathetic Rifkin's Festival.
This is maybe a clip better but comparisons to Matchpoint that I read in a lot of reviews in my opinion, way off. The story does follow a similar plotline, but this film is nowhere near as engaging as Matchpoint. These French actors are good but just don't have the charisma and chops of stars like Scarlett Johannson and Johnaton Rhys Meyers.
Since the movie is basically another rehash of familiar Allen tropes and brings nothing new to that table, I found myself asking if it's even necessary to be in French. And it just goes downhill from there. The only good news I have on this one, folks, is, you can watch it for free and make your own mind up. It's on Tubi right now. I never thought I'd say this but perhaps it's time for Woody to hang up the hat, he can join his buddy Clint Eastwood, sip lemonade on the front porch and all that. 1.75 stars/5
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