Tuesday, January 28, 2025



BODY HEAT (1981) - As the decades roll by, this one has been a little shuffled under the carpet, you don't hear it mentioned that often. But it's a great Lawrence Kasden directed neo-noir with Hurt and Kathleen Turner torching up the screen with a sizzling chemistry. So much so, they're going to have to knock off Turner's husband, played by Richard Crenna in yet another great performance. Also, look for Mickey Roarke in an awesome cameo - this flicks a don't-pass-go and don't collect $200, just see it, ya dig? 4.0 stars/5 VOD

DO NOT DISTURB (1999) aka Silent Witness - I stumbled upon this one completely by accident while researching Hurt's filmography. It's a Dutch-German production filmed in Amsterdam on location. It's kind of like Polanski's Frantic except instead of Paris, it's Amsterdam and instead of the wife going missing, it's a mute teen daughter. But that same kind of mystery with some local twists. Jennifer Tilly flexes her acting chops very nice in this, best I've seen her. The teen actress, a one-off performance, should also be mentioned. Out of print but here is a "very watchable" version some kind soul upped, enjoy. 3.75 stars/5

IN MUSIC - If you haven't made it down there yet, we would like to call your attention to the new "MUSIC CORNER" of the Gazette, down in lower right of blog. There you will find the new Rolling Stones blog "Squares," a large collection of classic rock Vinyl Rips completely stream worthy from my personal collection. There are a lot of vinyl bootlegs I purchased on Hollywood Blvd in the early '70's. Finally, we have added the "Album of the Week" which currently is "Alice Cooper Goes To Hell" (1976) ENJOY

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